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Through the Eyes of the Other

  • acker stadt palast (map)

Company HAA

Alexander Windner Lieberman
Edith Buttingsrud Pedersen

Joshua Tennent

Jahman Davine

Jackie Riccio

"Through the eyes of the other" is a Solo Exchange between Edith Buttingsrud Pedersen & Alexander Windner Lieberman. 
ach solo has become very personal through the use of intimate interviews, personal diaries and movement research. Digging deep to discover a naked and transparent state.

When Alex asked me to write a personal solo for him, as he wrote one for me, I thought of what I admire the most of him, what I question about him and what really defines him. What I found to be the most striking was his practice of self love. He lives his life the way he wants, in the moments he wants, following the flow. He cares for the people he loves, and he cares for himself. In other words, I believe he follows his heart, regardless of security, commitment or pre invented social constructs.
Loving one self first might be the best road to freedom; the freedom to choose, to follow and the freedom to love however, whenever and whomever.
Loving two people simultaneously, being in so called Polyamorous relationships, is that the pursuit of freedom? Or is it a shield of indifference? A deterrent from falling for real?
Is it a way to control your fear? Or is it loving fearlessly?

“My heart is not a cup of water that can be emptied. It's not as if I give half of it to one person, another person can only receive the other half. My heart and my love is abundant, there is no limit to how much love you can give”

I met Edith as a dancer, I would not have guessed she was a model. While beautiful, she doesn't act like any other model I know.
In getting to know her I started to see a peculiar juxtaposition between her life as a dancer and her life as a model. Her passion is clearly dance while she uses modeling for financial support.
Experiencing Edith dance compared to seeing her modeling material, I realized she is comfortable and confident in both roles. She owns her sexuality and embodies characters from within.
She started telling me about awkward situations she encountered on modeling shoots. With no modeling experience of my own, I found them offensive and often verging on sexual harassment.
Edith seemed to accept the occurrences as commonplace. As a white male who doesn't experience harassment on a daily basis, I find it hard to accept her working environment.
This solo is an attempt to understand. To see the process, sacrifice and acceptance of balancing passion with social obligation.

24.-26. Mai 2018 um 20 Uhr
im Acker Stadt Palast
Ackerstraße 169/170, Berlin
Tickets: 15,-/ 10,- Euro unter karten[at] oder an der Abendkasse

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